..dedicated to exploring the most promising options for individual dreamers
to rebuild life on this planet for themselves, for their children, and
for those who follow into this millennium
Daily we read research establishing that our current direction
in lifestyle is, to say the least, suboptimal. We eagerly read
magazine stories of experimenters working in exciting alternatives
but what is on our doorstep remains unchanged. The choices offered
on our horizon seem suspiciously uninspiring, merely disguised versions of
the same, confining, dead-end paths already discredited by previous
generations. Why this disparity?
How hard is it to turn this ship around anyway?
How do we connect with those making a difference?
Which of the promising alternatives holds a stable route to the future
if all around us is still racing toward oblivion?
Who will make it through?
I see women as being in the best position to explore those new routes,
because women have taken off in new directions before while all the rest
held back, clinging to the safety and status of establishment handholds...
and there are growing numbers of women eager to start.
But the current media is so saturated with establishment spin,
authoritarian myth and corporate induced passivity that women´s
voices and issues are silenced and distorted, so there´s no way
our expeditions will find the level of support nascent explorers need
to launch their own varied expeditions... unless...
With LSR, I´m setting out to use the magic of the internet,
itself an important part of exploring strategy, to fill this need.
To me, the need is greatest among the youngest of our group and especially
in math based technologies that were, and are, my field.
With LSR, I will offer you a mathematical eye for evaluating the mysteries
we encounter; simulations, either computer generated or real world
experiment, to sample the possibilities; summaries and monitoring, as
we build new solutions.
With LSR, I will bring you collaborators to show you what it´s
like in the adult world to challenge the taboos, expose the fallacies,
evade opposition, and recover from the real hazards, not the ones that
hold the rest back; along with sketches of doable visions that harness
the power of intentionality in our ordinary life choices, from teen
threshhold throughout all adulthood, because life is a work in progress
and we explorers, a diverse group.
As wife and mother, I welcome the men to join us on the journey
we´re defining but I write from my point of view without media
filters and without apologies for being a woman with a woman´s
themes and strategies.
And lastly LSR is named for a little girl who, long ago, was
my irresistible invitation to face the unknown and who, with a brave
young man, continues to be my magic feather as we face the adventure
of travelling the wonder-filled wormholes of alternative futures,
building our own dream.
To paraphrase my true love, T.E. Lawrence, "All people dream,
but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds,
waken in the day to think that it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day
are the dangerous ones, for they may act out their dreams with open eyes,
to make it possible."
LSR is published/broadcast roughly quarterly. To receive your e-mail
notification of the latest issue and its contents, simply
register for LSR-e, courtesy of YahooGroups.
Join us on LSR-e for ongoing discussions of the issues.
And yes, it´s free.
Your messages, your ´dispatches from the front´
happily accepted via
Letters to LSR and JHR, via snail-mail, should be sent to LSR c/o Penelope Press 4263 Ferguson Dr Ste#2 Cincinnati, OH 45245-1665
Please indicate whether your message and/or name may be used for
publication as we would like these pages to generate a collaborative
venture, an exchange between and among experimenters
in between web-zine publication dates.