The Route out of Poverty...Undoing the Ehrenreich Curse |
First of all, she was very close to getting on her feet in each location in spite of herself. Specifically she threw away opportunities to share accommodations in Key West and Minneapolis/StPaul with co-workers she liked or with friends she made.. This, in spite of her recognition of the viability of such a shortterm strategy to the benefit of each, splitting and saving half the rent til each could afford the deposit on an apartment of their own, whenever they wished later, probably within a couple months... |
Basically eat raw, fresh, unprocessed produce, strictly in season and on special; buy bulk dry goods like beans of all varieties, rice, potatoes, nuts and milk; rely on crockpot, simplicity, creative children´s recipes, and yogurt making. Gradually expand your pantry of canned, out-of-season foods, stocking up on specials, especially the most useful favorites. You can manage very comfortably by shopping in any large decent grocery, especially if you have a car as she did, with only 2 or 3 trips a year to a warehouse store for bulk items though some groceries will, or are beginning to, stock these too. These things cost, still insisting on quality, in the vicinity of 3-13cents an ounce (16cents/oz for cheese and another level for a couple main spices) will provide a 2000calorie diet for just under $2/day accounting for peels, pits and such. |
Not that you won´t entertain yourself but your pampering will be aimed more squarely at feeling good without hurting yourself!... Sharing your food with a little stray in the park, sampling the beautiful resources in the library... The idea that *spending* is the way to solve problems is so middle-upperclass, and even for them it´s erroneous and empty... |
Ok, so let´s do look at the numbers and see if we can find the path out of poverty, even beyond Ehrenreich´s goal of survival.... suppose you started as Ehrenreich did, on $500/month, spending $9/day/person on food and living paycheck to paycheck... then that effort spent -- initially taking persistence til habits change -- on a reduction to $3/day/person (once you know that it´s possible and a few basics of the scheme) would save you, our hypothetical single woman (who shared her apartment with a co-worker she felt safe with) about $180 per month, as if you´d received a 33% pay raise for your extra effort... try getting that from the folks Ehrenreich worked for... |
As best we can, with creativity of all sorts, we´re suggesting making do with what we have til we´ve worked out the details... this is no half-cocked scheme, we take each step thoughtfully.. it may seem too mundane but the fact that continually emerges is how wasteful this society is, so there are opportunities all around us involving little or no cost... we are so mesmerized by salaries that we´ve totally lost sight of the importance of daily living so the collusion of power and greed has our poor fellow running pillar-to-post trying to make a bad blueprint work... |
With no mortgage, no hvac bill and around $700-1100/person/year for food, there´s no fears, no threats, no screw-ups.. and no taxes to fund warmongering, bottomfeeding govt... not Ehrenreich´s $500 per MONTH per person with no hope... |
As for what many misguided activists would like to see, namely environmental reforms and ownership reforms and development of innercity communities and even tax reforms... well now those are pipe dreams because they depend on govts and corporations doing what´s best for us... when was the last time that happened? talk about zero probability, guaranteed not in a distorted 2-tier society of haves and havenots... in fact our poor hypothetical family has more latitude our way than the fantasy of reforms the activists -- (and the politicians who encourage them when it´s campaign time) -- are imagining.... (oh yes, did I mention that those nonstandard construction methods are "green" -- environmentally friendly so the next generation won´t regret the choice) |
As for whether escape in our one-size-fits-all being too confining that´s dismissible on multiple bases, the most obvious of which is the custom designed home that they live in.. and add to that the now massively independent financial freedom they enjoy... they have no mortgage, minimal taxes, no heating/cooling, very low food bills... they are intimately acquainted with libraries, near and far... they have time, free time, and the creativity to pursue their individual interests, sans education establishment dictating their learning, taking whatever courses, one place or another, not for a piece of paper but to accomplish their own personal goals... low income is not the issue, substantive net discretionary income is their solution... |
The Importance of Not SpendingSimplicity and Feigning Weakness |
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