Weather data coming soon hopefully on the Rancourt/Shaman Epidemiology of 'the Winter Burden' origins where Shaman identified the ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY phenomenon that launches whatever virus is dominant at that time into the dreaded Aerosolized Winter Burden COVID NEWS______ The German science community charges The Covid Scandal Perpetrators with Crimes Against Humanity for deadly government responses based on fraudulent testing and terrorizing To which we'd add... Fauci and his Democrat collaborators at MEDICARE and insurers, set the 'bounty' on COVID patients especially, as $39,000 for each VENTILATOR USE on covid-suspected patients. To ensure this murderous trap was effective, they MADE ILLOGICAL ORDERS TO DOCTORS to INFLATE THE NUMBER OF COVID PATIENTS. Then the fellow democrat GOVERNORS hysterically pressed for federal aid to supply massive support on horribly-needed ventilators and ER resources, which Trump then gallantly attempted to supply [sending military hospital ships and re-organizing industrial production to supply the claimed needed ventilators].. The media-frantics pumped fake stories about Fauci's imagined overcrowded emergency room services and the claimed ventilators needed. But the actual number of Emergency Room needs either did not match the Screamed-for need or they declined to let Trump *save* their bacon. Totally suspicious, when it became clear from ER doctors reporting that the VENTILATORS WERE KILLING PEOPLE, NOT SAVING THEM. Looking at the CDC 2020 data on DEATHS BY AGE for many causes, with Pneumonia, Covid and Influenza, at the point in time of this turmoil, when the COVID count was at 112,000, the distribution by age looked like this: | ||||
as deaths per 100,000 population in each age group [44million 65&over, 106million 45-64s and 120million 15-44s]
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In comparison, the American Lung Association provided recent history. The next graph of 'normal' Pneumonia and Flu Deaths per 100,000 for those AGED 65 AND OVER looked like this in RECENT HISTORY, during which time no major progress was made in 'medical/drug' cures by the FDA/CDC and yet the trend was clearly downward at a rate of 4 fewer deaths per 100,000 PER YEAR, which would have reached 75 per hundred thousand for 2019 for this age group. Note the projected 'normal' death rate of 75 per 100 thousand based on recent history for the Over65 age group for just the Pneumonia and Influenza was WAY LESS THAN THE VENTILATOR-KILLED DEATH COUNT. The ARTIFACT FAUCI/CUOMO focus on ventilators and bounties killed THREE TIMES AS MANY PNEUMONIA AND FLU PATIENTS THAN 'NORMAL' in recent history. And, to emphasize the role that Fauci's handling played in the 'bounty' for covid diagnoses, the combined pheumonia, flu and covid death toll was FIVE TIMES THE history-based NORMAL FLU & PNEUMONIA DEATH TOLL That was similar for all age groups of adults [all arriving unaccompanied because of covid]. Best chance of SURVIVAL was to NOT GO TO THE HOSPITAL WHERE THEY HOOK YOUR POOR SELF ONTO A VENTILATOR. Fresh kills were rapid big business. ANNOUNCING AN ADVANCED TECH ASSISTANT FOR DOCTORS AND ADVISORS___ Bayesian Spreadsheet to evaluate a group of doctors' clinical data for startlingly useful results for REAL LIFE MEDICAL DECISIONS, never ever letting CDC and Public Health [guided by the hubristic monsters like Fauci and Redfield] deny patients proper informed consent ON CREDIBLE AVAILABLE DATA. This is the advocated approach by pharmacokinetics experts Drs Hickey and Roberts in the blockbuster book treatise Tarnished Gold: The Sickness of Evidence-based Medicine which we support from a perspective from inside boardroom negotiations. |