NIH Table of Vaccine invention history 1798-2009 Note that by 1935, there was no mass vaccinating with toxins and infectants behind/beyond the body's natural defenses, unless the individual choosing to be vaccinated was either about to be exposed to the disease risk or had already been exposed to that disease risk. -- with the exception of troops for World War I. Further the Supreme Court penalty for refusal was minimal. |
Once the AMA [and Rockefeller drug companies] had established its hegemony, the number of vaccines multiplied, with unfortunate results [like explored by 60Minutes coverage of the damage from the swine flu vax] Those type 'unfortunate' events and coverage, 'inspired' the 1986 Vaccine Immunity Law, after which the multiplying of vaccines accelerated. So let's examine the scenario that existed in 1935 before the insanity design took hold that parents did not want originally, when they had a say, in France. |
National Office of Vital Statistics Public Health Report 1900-1950 The vax for Typhoid was just invented at the turn of the century and was only given to those who expected to be exposed. Not widely, and no diphtheria vax at all up to our 1935 point of interest. Mortality for both was down to 3 per 100,000 by 1935 with just sanitation. |
National Office of Vital Statistics Public Health Report 1900-1950 No Measles vax til 1971. No Pertussis vax til 1948. No scarlet Fever Vax at all ever. Mortality for each was down to 2-4 per 100,000 by 1935 with just sanitation including protection of milk & water supplies, improved sewage & heating. |
Public Health Report 1900-1950 World War I was the first time ever that massive vaxxing was done. Cholera, Rabies, Anthrax, Typhoid and poison gas [yep] on the troops and when the Germans decently surrendered earlier than expected, the remaining vaxxes were foisted on the public with the scam-claim that the troops would bring back horrifying diseases. |
National Office of Vital Statistics Public Health Report 1900-1950 Clearly age of deaths reveals the likely impact of WWI massive vaxxing of the age groups most related to troop ages. AND... IT WAS THE MALES in the military age groups in such disproportion as to majorly disrupt the sex balance in those ages [shown in this NIH research link] |
National Office of Vital Statistics Public Health Report 1900-1950 Despite the clear existence of CoMorbidities in an older population, the huge pandemic death toll had not much impact on their layer, with no Medicare, simply careful economics and more access to other ideas on health, [such as naturopathy, homeopathy, herbalism, etc] than DRUGS. Eh? |
SO IN SUMMARY... for 1935's level of quality living conditions.... They had made progress with food/milk/water protection and sewage sanitation and hygiene, and living conditions like heating through winter in homes... they were thus able to live with only the threats of.... 3 deaths per 100,000 population from typhoid and/or diphtheria 2 deaths per 100,000 population from scarlet fever 4 deaths per 100,000 population from measles and/or whooping cough 15 deaths per 100,000 population from diarrhea diseases 45 deaths per 100,000 population from tuberculosis 104 deaths per 100,000 population from flu and pneumonia Keep those numbers handy AND For CONTEMPORARY perspective
76 deaths per 100,000 population from MEDICAL MISTAKES [Johns Hopkins]
AMA medical mistakes are currently 5 times more deadly than flu and pneumonia combined!] BACK TO 1935..... we now have the 1935 vital statistics with no vaccine influence... as our benchmark for LIFE WITHOUT VACCINES But before the calendar rolled to 1940, two diamond-quality, vax-free improvements came into our hands... 1-- ANTIBIOTIC SULFA DRUGS were brought into play.... and 2-- a cure for VIRAL polio was demonstrated SPECIFICALLY.... In 1937-8, the sulfa antibiotics ended the scarlet fever threat, basically totally,as well as the bacterial-type pneumonia, as #1 was gradually adopted and Claus Washington Jungeblut, M.D. of Columbia University. et al demonstrated that the newly discovered/isolated [Szent-Gyorgyi 1928] formula for ascorbic acid, would inactivate the polio virus. In that initial enthusiasm, a flood of researchers [Holden, Kligler and Bernkopf, Lagenbusch and Enderling, Amato, Lominski, Lojkin and Martin] repeated the process for a raft of other disease viruses, making C an inexpensive, effective, harmless universal viricide. But #2 that would have saved millions of lives was diverted by a faked 'attempt to replicate' the polio results by none other than Sabin [then at the Rockefeller Institute]. What Sabin did was to actually increase the dose of polio virus while simultaneously only using 1/3rd the ascorbate treatment, not what Jungeblut's experiment had done, as the basis for Sabin's widely published 'failed replication', as his denial that Jungeblut's idea had worked. Sabin called all the work so far, a fluke. FALSELY. And since... Most reporters and readers only read the 'Abstract' section of science data, where the details of dosing were not stated, then high paid media abetted the theft and diverted public hope from their salvation. So only those who read the details on methods and measurement would see HOW the fraud of Sabin's Rockefeller-media-collaborated claiming was TO BE EXPOSED. Fortunately some who did recognize the 'error' then adjusted their work's focus. Those other doctors and ascorbate researchers then focused on definitive dosing and treated their own lucky patients successfully with accordingly majorly increased doses. Foremost of the doctors was Frederick Robert Klenner. who finally [1952] published his own successful cures of 49 out of 49 polio patients in the 1948 polio epidemic. 'Somehow' the significance of such good news was not celebrated by the drug-licensed industry, or its publications, primed for Salk's coming [1955] polio vaccine. Major amounts of money and reputations and status were in play. Similarly, Klenner's own focus on patient wellbeing [in his clinical work] produced a whole compendium of practical clinical results, adding to the research ideas of food bio-chemist Irwin Stone, PhD, who succeeded in interesting Dr Linus Pauling in the power of therapeutic doses of nutrients, which Pauling christened as 'orthomolecular medicine', drawing other researchers and doctors to form the ISOM, the International Society of Orthomolecular Medicine, with its own journals and specialties, from cardiology to psychiatry, to infectious diseases, to oncology, to orthopedics. Klenner even developed a protocol for obstetrics, with a study of over 300 of his own patients' consecutive pregnancy cases, with not a single miscarriage, nor hemorrhage, not a single complication, nor even a resuscitation of the newborn required. Labor times were 80% less, with rapid recoveries as well, no striae [stretch marks], even for a set of quads, all healthy, the only surviving quads in the entire south east USA.., The world's luck got even better in 2020 with the FDA Clinical Trial, NCT#04264533 and Dr Richard Cheng, MD, PhD, an ISOM editor happening to be in Wuhan to visit family for the annual holiday when the outbreak of new corona virus was announced. Dr Cheng, a former US military doctor now in private practice, with a team of other ISOM intravenous specialists who were rushed in and co-ordinated stateside by Dr Andrew Saul, PhD, succeeded in establishing that clinical trial, organising the immediately needed arrival of semi-truckloads of 50 TONS of vitamin C, and within a record time of less than 2 weeks demonstrating the CURE of 100% of the serious/critical ICU patients in Wuhan.. Didn't lose a single one. An impressive nearly 50 patients in those 12 days. A feat that the Chinese authorities honored with their own order to all other doctors in the province to adopt it because it was so effective and had no, nada, side effects, no interference with other natural human processes. DRUMROLL. that clinical trial protocol was INTRAVENOUS, HIGH DOSE VITAMIN C FOR A WEEK OF RECOVERING. .... almost ala Klenner... accomplished by MARCH 3rd!! Let that date sink in, relative to lockdowns, based on BlackBox Lying. So.. We'll now omit belaboring the immediate suppression of that life-saving, totally safe, and relatively inexpensive protocol... completely stonewalling the Chinese media announcements, their TV broadcasts, the subsequent broadcasts in Tokyo and South Korea, and social media attempted silencing under the direction of the W.H.O. and C.D.C. to erase mentions of it, close people's accounts, which still goes on 120 days later. The social media noise of the annoyed at least did succeed in getting some appreciative coverage by mainstream outlets on a few occasions, constantly 'balanced' by open doubts about its 'safety' and or 'effectiveness elsewhere' longterm based on ignorance of medical history and feared animosity from advertisers, What do you suppose paid for all those 'public service' ads for CDC 'truth' ONLY? CLEARLY THERE'S NO VAX NEEDED when diseases are rapidly curable, even the severe/critical cases, with totally safe and inexpensive protocols NUREMBURG PRINCIPLES on FREEDOM OF CHOICE with INFORMED CONSENT plus the federal as well as some state laws on Right-to-Try authorizes us to DEMAND FREEDOM FROM VAXXING because there's clear evidence that VAXXING IS WAY WORSE THAN THE DISEASE specifically since 1940 with our two vax-free advances in hand. To solidify that demand, we now present. PROOF that "ONE-IN-A-MILLION harm by VAXXING" is a LIE, and hence that the official source of that lie is a total fraud. SPECIFICALLY, From the public records of the VACCINE INJURY COURT
The average award is $600,000 THEREFORE The number of life-ending harm victims is 7,000 for the 30 year period of the court's existence 120,000,000 THEREFORE THE PROBABILITY OF ANY LIFE-ENDING HARM FROM VAXXING IS 1 IN 17,000 Not one-in-a-million each time a child is forced to submit to vaxxing BUT each child is required to submit to vaxxing with 72 vaccines over the period of their childhood and youth... which is like flipping a coin -- yes unbalanced to favor escape 16,999 out of 17,000 times, in other words each time with probability 99.994%.... So the probability that such a child will ESCAPE ALL 70 TIMES is the compounding of that 99.994% probability.... namely 0.99994 x 0.99994 x 0.99994 x .... x 0.99994 70 TIMES which comes out to be 0.996 [ 99.6%] to escape, which means 0.004 [0.4%] chance of life ending harm AND THAT 0.4% NUMBER MEANS 4 chances out of 1,000 OF LIFE-ENDING DAMAGE from the CDC IMPOSED SCHEDULE [not a sane choice for 72 jabs to avoid diseases with mortalities in single digits per 100,000, imo when they are ascorbate curable and preventable] 1 in-a-million is a provable lie BUT even more stunning is to put that harm number in DEMOGRAPHIC terms..
not 2 or 3 or even the sum of diphtheria, measles, whooping cough, typhoid, tuberculosis, and flu/pneumonia at 1935 levels of life/enviro quality, a total 178 per 100,000 death rate of diseases [1935] without antibiotics or IV-C, nowhere near that 400 in 100,000 ! And that 178 per 100,000 is without antibiotics or therapeutic doses of IV-C !! So now the flu/pneumonia mortality is slashable so the total is less than MEDICAL MISTAKES currently at 76 per 100,000 With that IV-C delivered in forest-fire-fighting speed, that 178 dwindles to near nothing as the ICU rescues with IV-C showed was the sane protocol, namely ascorbate STARTED WHILE WAITING FOR DIAGNOSTICS. That's what universal anti-viral means, no waiting needed . There's even a meter in development/production that measures the blood levels of ascorbate, with a mere droplet from a simple finger-prick lancet. In New Zealand. What is delaying it! Some, worshipping mythology, think the problem is just one disease and that particular vax was still necessary... just not 72 of them Well 1 in 17,000 is for each vaccine being forced, via the NVIC data itself. but if we did just one vaccine [say diphtheria or whooping cough] for the 3 times that immunity is supposedly being provided -- once initially and the needed 2 boosters 5-6 years apart -- then the chance of life ending damage from that 'schedule' for one disease is 0.0176% [176 in 100,000], not 3-4 in 100,000 ala 1935 already [diphtheria/whooping cough vital statistics]. Or even if myth-clingers settled for limiting our immunity to short term [totally questionable worth now] protection to just the initial shot, then the chance of life ending misery from that one shot plan being 1 in 17,000 causing life-ending sorrow, means that 6 children out of 100,000 are life-ended.... Compare that to the 1935 [without IV-C or antibiotics] risk of death from diphtheria or whooping cough [graphed above] which was [in 1935] just 3 for diphtheria, 4 for whooping cough out of 100,000 population. Not 6. Instead we sanely and knowledgeably want to TAKE OUR CHANCES ON A SAFE [IV-C] CURE BEING IN-HAND WHEN NEEDED instead of ever trusting the CDC/FDA/AMA LIES about vaccines saving the world? I'll take the IV-C cure any day over trusting their criminal profiting-at-humanity's-expense, incessantly lying CDC/AMA Wouldn't anybody unless they're practical math facts ignorant. BUT Buckle up. The answer further proves there are CRIMINALS IN HIGH OFFICE in the Federal Government, who have/do.... [who surely know that math!]
2. Conceal the full spectrum of Vaccine ADVERSE EVENTS, [the serious but less than totally life-ending ones as well] which are officially known as not being genuinely reported adequately with wide ranging probability of inadequacy-- Conceal, yes, because CDC stonewalls access to such data AND hid this Agency for Healthcare Research Quality InfoTech study that solves the reporting problem
using 3 years of medical insurance records data on 700,000 insureds from the Massachusetts HMO showed 26 out of 1000 vaxxes sent the recipient to Urgent Care, back to the doctor or the Emergency Room within 30 days of vaxxing. Which then also implied that doctors in clinical practice are seeing one such adverse event per month on average, no.where.near. what doctors are reporting in the CDC VAERS intentionally incompetent system based on doctors when medical schools only teach the vax schedule to follow... AND since there are 300,000 doctors who own their own practice out of 1,000,000 US doctors total, that '1 per doctor per month' is a tsunami of 'side effects of serious types that require medical attention, not just a redness at the injection site, That's a lot of claims dollars that insurers are stuck with, unknowingly. Emergency Room 'visits' are expensive, usually with longer term care required, leading to the suspicious premium rates Which further explains why so many studies of vaxxed vs unvaxxed show that the vaxxed are way less healthy, more asthma, neurologic disorders, serious allergic reactions. [You will have to use duckduckgo to find the others presented at because google has literally blocked showing ANY search results even when you specify the title knowably there, and specify the CHD website to be searched. None. With the same instructions, duckduckgo found the pages] 3. Aid and promote the economic destruction of community and personal lives using their PLANDEMIC based on medical virology fraud [exposed by Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD] There are horrible things in these damn vaxxes. 4. Implemented the [facing bankruptcy] MEDICARE and MEDICAID genocide of those Medicare/Medicaid recipients with a big push for vaxxing the weakest of Americans with aggressive programs to promote [free! many places] covered flu vaxxing, THEN putting high incentivating price of $39,000 [per-use] of killer ventilators, and rewarding 'presumptive diagnosis' [further financially] as a ventilator imposition basis It's not believable that they didn't know the history of who died in the 1918 pandemic. The vaxxed. 5. Totally malpracticed the care of patients [ an under cover former military nurse reported extreme denials of service, misapplication of diagnostic care, openly murdering patients whom they sedated without informed consent of what unwarranted extreme torture was planned for 'care'.] DO THE MATH #indictFauci et al, #EndCDC etc |